About pandemica.info
pandemica.info has been set up in response to the explosive growth of misinformation on the COVID-19 pandemic The site has two aims in mind:
- Provide a balanced relevant & reliable source of factual information and news regarding the COVID-19 pandemic
- Empower users with relevant proven tools to assist with coping with the various elements of living through this period. these include the practical aspects of self-isolation, the mental tools to allow us to cope better and build some resilience in the face of the anxiety created by the virus, and tools to allow us to handle our relationships with the people around us in a healthier manner.
We do our best to keep the information timely and relevant.
The site provides several forums for people to share their experiences living through this difficult period. All users of the sites are expected to show respect to other people and pandemica.info reserves the right to remove access from any users that do not respect these guidelines.
The site is operated on a voluntary basis. If you would like to assist in keeping the site running and as relevant as possible please contact us.
You can contact us on pandemica.info@gmail.com
pandemica.info was created by Arik Shimansky
– LinkedIn Profile
– Coaching website: TheCoach.global
Advisory board
The professional content on pandemica.info has been curated by our advisory board. The board consists of accomplished professionals and academics who kindly donated their time and experience to ensure that the tools provided are effective. For more information visit the Advisory Board page.